Crash Investigation:
Motorcycle Operation Analysis & Motorcycle Operator Actions
The Human, The Vehicle & The Road
In a crash reconstruction, three factors are typically investigated. These factors are the human, the vehicle and the road. A motorcycle crash investigation can include an analysis of the motorcycle operation or motorcyclist’s actions to determine if they were a cause of the crash. Erin Higinbotham, P.E. has operated motorcycles for over 35 years both on and off road. He has completed Motorcycle Safety Foundation training and has operated motorcycles on public roadways, off-road trails and racetracks. He can opine on what is expected of a reasonable motorcyclist and if the motorcycle operation was proper or improper.
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Erin Higinbotham can complete an analysis of the motorcycle operation as it relates to the incident motorcycle crash. This will determine if the motorcycle operator contributed to the crash or if the crash was caused by other factors.
The analysis of the motorcycle operation can include:
- Braking Technique or Braking Performance
- Swerving
- Travel Speed
- Lane Positioning or Group Formation
- Protective Gear
- Riding Strategy (SEE, SIPDE) and Lookout
- Effect of Motorcycle Modifications or Motorcycle Maintenance on the Operation
- Effect of Roadway Bumps and Depressions on the Operation
The analysis of motorcycle operation and the motorcycle operator’s actions begins with the crash reconstruction. The vehicle evidence, roadway evidence and completed reconstruction will be considered in the analysis of motorcycle operation to determine if the motorcycle operation was reasonable and proper.